ご挨拶 -Greetings-


The “Japanese Society for Cytometry” was established in 1990 through the unification of the FCM/Cell Biology Study Group established in the Kanto area in 1983 and the Kansai Flow Cytometry Study Group established in the Kansai area the following year. The purpose of its establishment was to contribute to medical science in general through quantitative and wide-ranging research on the characteristics of cells, without being limited to conventional flow cytometry. Later, in 2001, the two groups were united with the like-minded Cancer DNA Research Group, completing the foundation for its development as the cornerstone of quantitative cytology in Japan. For example, most flow cytometers at the time of the establishment of the society were 1 laser/2-3 colors, but today, next-generation instruments with 3 lasers/8-10 colors or more are widely used, and software for analyzing huge amounts of multidimensional data is now available. On the other hand, standardization and uniformity of analysis methods and accuracy control of test data are essential to apply the latest findings in daily medical practice. For this reason, in 2000, in cooperation with other academic societies and organizations in related fields (Japanese Society of Laboratory Medicine, Japanese Society for Laboratory Hematology, Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, Japanese Society of Clinical Hygiene Technologists, and Japan Institute of Laboratory Medicine), we established the “Japan Cytometry Technician Certification Council” to establish a certification system for cytometry technicians and also joined the Certified Laboratory Technician Organization to promote collaboration. The conference has developed along with advances in quantitative cytology, and has recently seen an increase in participation by many researchers, physicians, and clinical technologists related to advanced medicine and medical care, such as immunology, stem cells, and regenerative medicine. In addition, at the annual summer meeting, we provide information on new products through seminars and corporate exhibits by manufacturers of flow cytometry-related reagents and instruments to support our members in a wide range of areas. It is a well-known fact that cytometry technology has made a significant contribution to basic medicine, especially cell biology, as well as clinical medicine, including cell therapy, immuno-cell therapy, and transplantation medicine. In addition, the Society, which was incorporated in 2016, has an ever-increasing social responsibility to fulfill. We hope that the society will fulfill its responsibilities through the development of new instruments, applied technologies and methodologies, and contribute to the advancement of life sciences not only in Japan but also in the world. We sincerely ask for the tremendous efforts and support of our members.

September 1, 2023

Tohru Inaba, President, Japan Cytometry Society




「日本サイトメトリー学会」は、1983年に関東地区で発足したFCM・Cell Biology研究会と翌年に関西地区で発足した関西フローサイトメトリー研究会が1990年に統一されて誕生したのが端緒であり、従来のフローサイトメトリーにこだわることなく、細胞の持つ特性を計量的に広く研究することで医科学全般に寄与することを設立趣旨と致しました。その後、2001年には志を同じくする癌DNA研究会との統一がなされ、本邦における計量細胞学の要として発展の基礎が完成致しました。

計量細胞学の進歩は著しく、例えば本学会設立当時のフローサイトメーターは大半が1 laser/2-3 colorでしたが、現在では3 laser/8-10 color以上の次世代機器が普及しており、膨大な多次元dataを解析するsoftwareも入手可能となりました。一方、これら最新の知見を日常診療に生かすためには、解析手法の標準化・均てん化や検査データの精度管理が不可欠です。このため、2000年には関連分野の他学会・他団体(日本臨床検査医学会、日本検査血液学会、日本臨床細胞学会、日本臨床衛生検査技師会、日本臨床検査同学院)と協力して「日本サイトメトリー技術者認定協議会」を発足し、日本サイトメトリー技術者認定制度を設立するとともに、認定検査技師機構にも加盟して連携を図っております。





令和5年9月1日 日本サイトメトリー学会理事長 稲葉 亨

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